Shareholders and investors

General Information

Share and share capital

We trade in the spanish market "Mercado Continuo", specifically on the Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia stock exchange. We form part of several benchmark indexes, including the IBEX-35, the IGBM and the FTSE4Good Sustainability Index.

Year Share Capital (€) Number of Shares
2025 796,857,798 796,857,798
2024 779,906,655 779,906,655
2023 683,083,887 683,083,887
2022 653,467,691 653,467,691
2021 629,055,895 629,055,895
2020 604,572,039 604,572,039
2019 582,005,888 582,005,888
2018 553,555,329 553,555,329
2017 533,110,718 533,110,718
2016 517,430,991 517,430,991
2015 517,430,991 517,430,991
2014 502,212,433 502,212,433
2013 465,914,792 465,914,792
2012 443,728,374 443,728,374
2011 422,598,452 422,598,452
2010 394,152,216 394,152,216
2009 304,967,371 304,967,371
2008 304,967,371 304,967,371
2007 284,636,213 284,636,213
2006 284,636,213 284,636,213
2005 274,470,634 274,470,634
2004 266,153,343 266,153,343
2003 245,810,851 245,810,851
2002 154,764,041 154,764,041

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View remuneration and data related to ‘scrip dividend’ (flexible dividend) taxation.


Annual General Meeting

Access all AGM information.


Investor calendar

Consult the calendar with dates of interest to investors and shareholders.

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