Compliance policies
The commitments we assume under our Code of Ethics and Conduct are developed in the Group’s internal regulation, which is also part of our Regulatory Compliance Model for Criminal Prevention and Competition Defence.
The main policies for the development of our Code of Ethics and Conduct are as follows:
Policy regarding Regulatory Compliance for Criminal Prevention - 192 Kb
Política de Cumprimento Normativo em matéria de Prevenção de Delitos - 218 Kb
Policy regarding Anti-corruption and Relations with Public Officials and Authorities - 227 Kb
Política Anticorrupção e de Relações com Funcionários Públicos e Autoridades - 236 Kb
Policy regarding Regulatory Compliance for Competition Defence - 194 Kb
Política de Cumprimento Normativo em matéria de Defesa da Concorrência - 223 Kb